Tuesday, May 30, 2017


Fearless  wow that word has washed over my soul in many ways .
First of all in the Bible 365 times it is mention in the Bible do not be afraid .
He is with us , us as humans it is very hard to not be afraid .
I have read many times the reason why I sbecause we want to control the circumstances, and not trust the God .
Fear is really not be obedient to God , and not fully trusting Him to take care of us .
There has been many times in my life that I have not trusted God to get me thru things so I have given up and just stayed in my comfort zone .
To me fear is one big giant that the enemy uses in my life to keep me away from things that I could have enjoyed .
Sometimes we just need to take that step out and trust God that He will see us thru whatever we are stepping into .
When I take my eyes off the one and only then I start to shake and start sinking into the pit of fear that comes straight from the enemy  because I have let the enemy win .
Isaiah 41:10
So do not fear , for I am with you do not be dismayed for I am the Lord your God I will strengthen you and help you I will uphold you with my righteous right hand .

So that verse He says He will strengthen us and He will help us and He will hold us in His righteous right hand .
If we stay on the path of keeping our eyes focus on Him He gives us the strength we need to fight the fear everyday , we just need to hang onto Him and even though it's hard we need to Trust that He will strengthen us and uphold us in His righteous right hand .
We need to be courageous  Joshua 1:7says Be Strong and Very Courageous  Joshua 1:6 says Be strong and courageous
Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you ?
Be strong and courageous .Do not be afraid ; do not be discouraged , for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go .

He is with you wherever you go so if it's on. A plane He is right there with you , if it's at work He is with you , if it's outside He is with you .

I always remember a study in Esther when she says if that happens then God He is still there
 When the enemy sees that we are not going to cower down and stil, March forward Jesus wins and JESUS will get the victory we only need to trust God and stay focused on Him that He will carry us thru and not allow others to affect us as well , because sometimes it is just between you and God and no one else so run to Him and let Him take care of you and tell Him all about it .
He will hold you in the shelter of the most high
He will cover you with His feathers .
